grow a distinguished identity where customers feel your heart just by looking at your brand

Your Brick-and-Mortar Vision is Close

Hey there! If you’ve been itching to be recognized, crave having your products quickly grabbed from the shelves, and want to meaningfully connect with people through your business, you’re in the right place. I’m excited to help you gain clarity, feel confident, and become captivating through a notable brand. 

Please fill this form out in detail and we’ll chat in your inbox within 48-72 hours.

Inquiry Form

Need a little extra info before inquiring about services?
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P.S.– be sure to check out the FAQs below before reaching out!

Quick Answers

What is a branding guide?

A branding guide is like your brand's best friend! Think of it as the glue that keeps everything about your brand in harmony. It details the colors, fonts, images, and even the tone of voice to be used across all your branding materials. It ensures that no matter where your brand appears, it's consistently stunning, recognizable, and true to its rare self.

What is product branding?

Product branding is all about giving your product a personality, a story, and a sparkling presence on the shelf (or online!) Think bigger than a logo and a catchy name; it's a complete experience that makes people feel a special connection with what you're offering. Imagine your favorite product; it's probably not just about what it does but how it makes you feel. That feeling? That's the magic of product branding!

What is branding strategy?

A branding strategy is your brand's grand plan for success! It's not just what your brand looks like or says; it's about who it is, who it speaks to, and why it matters. It's the thoughtful path that guides everything from your design to your customer interactions, making sure they all work together in blissful, happy harmony. Think of it as the blueprint for building a brand that people don't just like but absolutely love. It’s what helps people go from loving it to actually making the purchase.

What type of pricing can I expect?

Pricing will vary depending on what you need. My favorite aspect of what I do is that I’ll never suggest something you don’t need or already have– so allowing me to properly diagnose your need before we begin a project is crucial. If you fill out my inquiry form and then schedule an initial call, we’ll determine what your business needs to create the atmosphere that brings people into your home. I can give you an accurate price after we’ve made the deep assessment on a free call!

How do I know what service I need?

Understanding what you need is like finding the perfect outfit for an occasion– it depends on where you are and where you want to go! 

  • Brand Strategy & Identity: Think of the strategy as your GPS for success. If you're craving to grow your business or need a detailed roadmap to guide every move your brand makes, this is one is for you. Not only that, this helps pull everything together into a cohesive look. Brand identity is like adding those finishing touches that make everything pop!
  • Brand Application: You need everything above but you want a little extra guidance in making it all happen. With brand application, I hold your hand a little bit as you break in the shoes of your new brand!

*To REALLY know what service you should book, filling out my inquiry form then scheduling a call and allowing me to diagnose your needs is the bulletproof way to getting exactly what your business needs with no second guessing.

How soon do I need to book my project?

I book out a minimum of one month in advance. I strongly recommend booking your project at least 2 months before you’d like to launch your new brand.

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